storytelling lessons from all over
April 2nd, 2012
But, on the other hand, all of these are different ways of telling stories, and there are lessons you can learn from one form to apply to others.
I've noticed that some different bloggers have drawn storytelling lessons from forms other than prose novels, and I thought it would be nice to collect them in one place.
First of all, my posts have mostly drawn lessons from movies:
- Better than Nothing (where I talk about a few of the things I've learned from Robert Altman's films)
- Storytelling Lessons from the First Class
- Learning from Deleted Scenes
- Storytelling Lessons from the Zombies and Vampires
Christine Zilka wrote a very interesting post about lessons she learned from participating in a performance art piece:
Jo Eberhardt has started a series about lessons writers can learn from roleplaying games:
Tiyana White wrote about what she learned from a video game:
Entry Filed under: Storytelling Lessons,writing
2 Comments Add your own
1. Stephen A. Watkins | April 5th, 2012 at 3:23 pm
The only comment I have is that I agree that different storytelling media can still provide useful storytelling lessons for someone who’s writing.
2. Anthony Lee Collins | April 6th, 2012 at 5:29 pm
I think people do learn from other media, but they may not be conscious of it and may not seek it out. This is especially true for media which are less generally popular than movies and television. I never really knew how RPGs even work until I read Jo’s post, for example.
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