phones and me and notebooks

September 11th, 2018

Two observations about phones (by which, I maybe need to clarify, I mean smartphones).

1) Yesterday I took a bus trip. I last took this trip two years ago (and the year before that, and so on). What was striking this time was that apparently a memo went out (which I didn’t get) and now nobody uses paper tickets anymore.

Except me.

Everybody else had some thing on their phones that the bus driver scanned with another thing that looked like a phone (but may not have been). And there I was, with my multi-part perforated ticket, that I bought at the bus station, just like always, and the bus driver didn’t even rip off the first section and take it, as in days of old. She just scanned it.

2) On the other hand, now, for me, writing is a thing that happens on my phone. I used to be really into good notebooks and good (Lamy) pens and so on, but even though I bought a new notebook for this trip, it’s sitting in my bag, unused, and I’ve written a lot the next installment of my current story in the last few days, all on my phone.

I’m writing this on my phone, sitting in a comfortable lawn chair, looking out over the harbor, sipping iced tea, and I’ll probably post it before I stand up.

I’d even include a photo, except that that’s one of the things my phone does that I don’t know how to do. Like buying bus tickets.

But I know how to write mystery stories on it, and that beats photography, at least for me.

Entry Filed under: Other,writing

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Maggie  |  September 13th, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    Reminds me of the airport. Seems like everyone pulls out their phone for the person to scan the QR code on the boarding pass, but I’m standing there with a paper pass because I’m always paranoid that my phone suddenly won’t work when it’s time to scan the boarding passes.

  • 2. Anthony Lee Collins  |  September 16th, 2018 at 10:57 am

    I went to a movie once with the scan-my-phone ticket option, but if my phone had screwed up or died at the wrong moment I’d have missed the movie. Definitely a lower level of problem than missing a plane or a bus.

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