comfort, though not comfortable

April 2nd, 2020

No major updates from me.

It seems that — according to newspaper reports — a lot of people are looking for new TV shows and movies and whatnot to binge and stream and so on.

I’m finding the opposite. I’m returning to old favorites. Comfort food, I guess, if you can refer to Resident Evil (zombie apocalypse) movies as “comfort food.”

But, going back to the RE movies after a while, for “comfort” (hey, it’s my all-time favorite movie franchise), what I hadn’t really thought about is that the series is really about a global contagion.

It’s about a zombie plague (transmitted by blood), and there’s a lot of emphasis on infection, and staying clear of infection, and helping, and hoping to cure, those who become infected. So, it’s more topical than I would have thought.

For other media:

Radio: News radio (1010WINS) as always during a crisis (and also when there isn’t a crisis — I was basically raised on 1010WINS). Very helpful and informative, and also some amusement from the commercials (they apparently book commercials well in advance, resulting in a lot of ads for things that people aren’t doing or can’t do right now — like, for example, going out and meeting other singles without going to bars!).

Music: Still Tangerine Dream. A lot of Tangerine Dream. Oh, and a special playlist that I made up based on Lorde’s final concert on her last tour (I like the sequence much better than her last album).

TV: Nope (other than four selected episodes of Game of Thrones, for some reason)

Other movies: Some. Still re-watching Clue, and Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn). Just bought Knives Out.

Social media: None.

I’ve written around 3,000 words of my next story — I’ll start posting it as soon as I figure out the answer to one question.

Also, this just in (I got a notification as I was writing this):

Fiona Apple Unveils Release Date for New LP ‘Fetch the Bolt Cutters’

For background:

Fiona Appleā€™s Art of Radical Sensitivity

Ironically, I’m very excited about this, though I know I may not listen to it much under current conditions. Ms. Apple is seldom, if ever, comforting.

Entry Filed under: Other

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