i misplaced my third novel (oops)

December 25th, 2024

So, I’m still working on my next mystery story (“The Trinity Mystery”), and I’ve written quite a bit, but right now I’m kind of stuck, so I’ve been thinking about my third novel, which I never finished.

I got to the end of a first draft (so, it did have an ending, and a pretty good one), but it had some significant problems (internal and external), and I got distracted by writing mystery stories.

So, I decided to go back and give the third novel another look. And I couldn’t remember where it was. I knew it had been online, but I couldn’t find it, and clearly I removed links to it on this blog (or at least most of them).

Well, that was embarrassing. One advantage of having your writing online is that you always know where it is, and if you back up the website(s) then you also have backups of the writing.

I searched, and I couldn’t find anything on this blog. Or the other blog.

I finally found it, or fragments of it, and I’m starting to collect all the pieces and sort them back into their proper order. It needs some streamlining (it emerged from chaos even more than some of my other work), plus some punctuation improvements, and it has way too many characters (fifty? sixty? — but I’m probably stuck with that). So, I’m going to assemble the pieces and then bring it to the point of being a second draft.

It will be fun to put all the pieces back together, and when I’m done I’ll link to it from here, probably with some caveats. (You know when you have a DVD of a movie, and there’s a menu item called “Deleted Scenes” and one of those deleted scenes is actually an entirely separate movie? Okay, I’ve never seen that either, but this is like that.)

And (to mix metaphors) when I’m done, this time I’ll remember where I parked the car.

Oh, and I just remembered that the third novel had a title also. It was “Throwing Stones.”

Entry Filed under: Blog News,writing

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. SteveBacher  |  December 28th, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Did you get the title for your third novel from the Bee Gees’ “Holiday”?

  • 2. Anthony Lee Collins  |  January 2nd, 2025 at 11:12 pm

    No, in fact it was from the Grateful Dead song of the same name (the same name as the novel, not the same as the Bee Gees song). Not my favorite Dead song, but that’s how it works sometimes.

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