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As I talked about here, novels mostly don't come with long lists of credits or thanks, though in most cases they should.

I posted my thanks, which apply to A Sane Woman and U-town, on my blog, here.

And my thanks also to the people who said the nice things I've posted on the Reactions from Readers page.

a sane woman on your kindle

I've been thinking for a while about making A Sane Woman available on the Kindle. But, as usual, I decided in favor of making it available for free, rather than offering it for sale through the Kindle store.

So, if you have a Kindle, click here and download the HTML file. Then email it to your Kindle address and it will appear on your Kindle for free.

Now if I could only figure out how to give the paperback version away without losing money...

Later: Oh, and I have to point out that I finally solved the problem mentioned below ... Continue Reading

a sane woman up the amazon

A Sane Woman is now available on amazon.com:


Welcome to the site

This is a site about my book, A Sane Woman. As you can see up across the top there, you can read about the book, you can read what some people have said about it, and you can read the first chapter.

And, if you click on the little button over on the right there, you can buy it.

If you do buy it and read it, please let me know what you think.



P.S. I know the title of the book should be in italics. The codes are there, but there’s something about this theme that is preventing them from … Continue Reading