Vicki Wasserman
September 18th, 2005
Vicki is fifteen years old when we first meet her, with long, straight dark hair and green eyes. She is also about three and a half feet tall, with high pointed ears and enough physical strength to life one end of a car off the pavement. She has been suddenly transported from the small town where she has been living with relatives to a large city.
Both the changes to her body and the change to her location have happened without notice or explanation, but this doesn't seem to bother her at all.
She was once heard to comment that, "There's no place like home. Thank God."
Vicki doesn't appear in A Sane Woman.
Her first appearance in U-town is at the very beginning, on the bridge into U-town.
In the third novel we will see her first at a slightly earlier point in her life. She is with her adopted family, returning home drunk from a family evening of carousing, a common event in the Wasserman family.
Entry Filed under: characters
2 Comments Add your own
1. the real thing » An&hellip | December 30th, 2017 at 12:46 am
[…] Vicki has now almost completely replaced the real Vicki in my mind. SarahBeth has replaced the original, who I barely knew back then (and in any case most of the character’s personality came from someone else, from much later). SarahAnn, SarahBeth’s older sister, was, I’m pretty sure, based on a girl named Sarah, but I’m not even 100% sure about that at this point. I remember nothing else about her. […]
2. personal shopper, and wri&hellip | February 11th, 2018 at 10:31 am
[…] or at least it moves toward making sense. Even the things that I don’t explain (like why Vicki has superhuman strength) mostly have […]
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