I don't usually do this sort of thing (well, ever), but this is special.
My good friend (and very talented artist) Bethany has a commission to create a permanent art installation at the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. That's right, a permanent installation. And she needs money to do this, so she (of course) is raising it on Kickstarter.
This is from her email (the capitalization is hers 🙂 ):
my kickstarter to fund my commission work at Please Touch Museum here in Philadelphia is about 65% funded. there are less than 48 hours left - it ends on Monday, November 26th around 10 pm. i will only get the funds if my goal is met - so if i don't make it to that goal by the end, i don't get anything.
so please take a look - i have a number of rewards for various levels of donations - almost all of them will be handmade by me. so you will only be funding a permanent piece of public art, you'll get something awesome for yourself, too.
trying not to sound like NPR at pledge time,
The Kickstarter page has links to Bethany's web page and the blog where you can read about the progress on this project.
So, give a look. You'd be contributing to a permanent art installation, you'd get a small gift (which will indeed be awesome) and if you're in the Pennsylvania area you'd be able to go see the instalation yourself at the Touch Museum (which sounds like a very groovy place).