movies first, murder later

As I indicated last week, I was thinking of moving the best of the movie reviews I've written into this blog, and then taking down the movie review site itself.

It's a good idea, really, but it would be too much work. There are times when I really enjoy messing around with codes and links and formatting and so on, and other times I can't be bothered. This turns out to be one of the latter times.

But I will plug some of the better movie reviews here, just because I haven't in a while. Then, next week, I plan to start another mystery. I was thinking that a short one would be nice, as a break between The Vampire Murder Case and the next long one (which will probably be called The College Murder Case), but the fact of it is that a lot of the beginning of the The College Murder Case is all ready to go, and the two shorter ones I was thinking of aren't even started yet. So, they'll have to come later, at least for now.

Movie Reviews

I used to write a lot of movie reviews. I used to see a lot more movies than I see now. I stopped writing reviews right around the turn of the century, but there were two more recent movies for which I donned my reviewer's cap again. They are very different (to say the least), but what made me want to review them, even though I'm "out of the business" now, was that all of the reviews I read of them missed the point(s).

One was Gosford Park, which was Robert Altman's last really great movie (though he made good ones after it). Its greatness (equal to any movie he made during his "glory years," and therefore comparable to any movie ever made by anybody) was not really recognized, and the points he was getting at weren't understood, at least in anything I ever read.

The other was Kill Bill, which was even more misunderstood, in that most reviewers started from the assumption that the movies (part 1 and part 2) weren't actually about anything, so they didn't figure out what they were about.

By the way, another situation where I think a lot of reviewers missed the point was Woody Allen's movies Match Point and Scoop, as I referred to here, though I've seen some things more recently which made the points that I made.

Another review that I'm particularly proud of was my review of Ghost Dog. Oh, and my review of eXistenZ. Some of the reviews of that one got some of what it was about (it was generally better understood than Kill Bill, for example), but I think some things were missed. That review (the second part, after the spoiler warning at the bottom) is also an argument for not putting all of the reviews into this blog, since that review really depends on its formatting (as you'll see).

Other than those, the main things I think are worthy of a continued life here on the world wide interweb are my other Robert Altman reviews, and my Orson Welles reviews, which are what started me in writing about movies to begin with, back on the BBSs, since I realized that I was part of a fairly small minority, people who had seen all of Welles' movies (in theaters, not just on video or DVD).

So, check them out. Next time, The College Murder Case begins.

P.S. In poking around the movie reviews, I found this, which I had forgotten about completely.

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